
Web Wallpapers

Web Wallpapers

A collection of mobile wallpapers

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A pace calculator for running and cycling. Built with Vue and Nuxt.

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RxJs Viz

An RxJs Visualizer for tracing emissions over time. Built with Angular

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Angular Jest Schematic

A schematic that configures Angular to execute unit tests with Jest for single projects or workspaces.

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Angular Prettier Schematic

An Angular schematic that adds prettier and a pre-commit hook for formatting staged files.

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Type Assertion and Predicate - A 375B zero dependency Typescript type checking library that coerces unknown value types. More concise and accurate than typeof checks or similar type checking methods.

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Angular Feature Toggles

Keep features on the main branch. No long running out of sync feature branches. Decouple features from deployment. Control who see's what and when and restrictions via url, API, local config.

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